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How does iLoyalty work?
What are the advantages of iLoyalty compared to other forms of advertising?
How do I subscribe?
What can I advertise?
What form do the advertisement and redemption images have to take?


How does iLoyalty work?

iLoyalty is a smartphone app that allows subscribers to receive adverts sent directly to their phone, and for all companies to create and manage Reward Schemes.
Advertisers can create adverts which will be sent to subscribers as their phone comes within a predetermined distance of the advertisers outlets. By default proximity adverts will be delivered to customers passing all of your outlets, this can be changed by visiting the "Current Proximity Adverts" page from the main menu and clicking the link beneath an offer to link it to specific outlets so that you can create regional offers or clear excess stock at one specific outlet.
Customers can download your Reward Card and the app will track purchases and advise when a reward is due. Also you can send adverts to all customers that have subscribed to your Reward Card.

What are the advantages of iLoyalty compared to other forms of advertising?

iLoyalty is GREEN, no paper is used to produce your adverts and we use carbon neutral web hosts.
Your adverts are sent considerably more cheaply than any competative medium.
Your adverts are much more efficiently targeted:
They will only be sent to subscribers that have expressed an interest in your business category.
Proximity based adverts will only be sent to subscribers that are within a distance of your outlet that you have selected.
You can set a validity period for your advert and even a select a particular time of day.
If your campaign achieves it's goal, for example clearing particular stock, you can stop the adverts immediately.

How do I subscribe?

Click on the Register button at the top of the page and then Create new account. Once you have completed the registration form you will receive a one time login by email. Use the email to login to the website and create a password for your account. You can now purchase your membership.
Once you have purchased a membership you can create outlets.
You can then start creating your advertising campaign.

iLoyalty are happy to advertise almost anything, there are some exceptions which should be obvious (We will not advertise any illegal product or activity including but not limited Drugs, Weapons, Smoking and Sex). Please read our terms and conditions for full details. Failure to adhere to our terms will result in your account being suspended.

What form do the advertisement and redemption images have to take?

The advertisement and redemption images have to be in jpg format and 640 pixels square. The nature of the image is entirely up to you. It is likely that the advertisement will provide product imagery and details of the offer and the redemption image can be a barcode that will automatically validate the offer at the point of sale but these are not requirements.

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